Jamal James is an actor who hails from the suburbs of Centreville, VA, but after spending 8 years in NYC, he moved to California and is proud to finally call Los Angeles his home. He graduated from Emory & Henry College with a B.F.A. in Acting and a minor focus in literature and creative writing. While primarily an actor, he has worked as a singer, dancer, model, in voiceovers and as a director. He has been currently taking the time between gigs to focus on playwriting as well. He is hungry to work in any medium, but getting into a big-budget movie as a SuperHero has always been a dream. Or a Jedi. Take your pick

That Acting Bug

Storytelling has always been a big love of Jamal’s heart. Absorbing murder mysteries, fantasy, and historical fiction, Jamal would often get in trouble for reading books in English class. Unbeknownst to him, his father would often sneak him and his brother into several movies on the weekend furthering his love of action, drama, romance, and adventure. It was only natural that he’d someday want to be apart of them. A shy kid, he found that theatre gave him the opportunity to make people laugh, cry, and think differently. It wasn’t long until he decided to pursue the profession as a career and has been blessed to work and create all over the country and even overseas! He is currently on lookout for West Coast Representation, learning the culture and making friends wherever he can.

All thanks and glory to God.